The Demonstration Laboratory#

This source contains a collection of physics demonstrations tailored for university classroom lectures. The book is structured in accord with the so-called Physics Instructional Resource Association (PIRA), see (


Please note that this resource is still work in progress. However, all documented demos have been copied from the previous website into this resource. They are accesible in the form of a hyperlink to the previous website In due time all demonstration descriptions from the previous website will be implemened in this new resource, as is already done here. This will also include media content such as video recordings of the individual demos.

How we Work#

We consider our Demonstration Room as a shop and we sell demonstrations. We seduce professors to use our facilities and expertise. We need to seduce them because professors are not familiar with all the ideas available and they certainly have no time to investigate all the possibilities that exist.

  1. we have many demos in stock

  2. we know the physics

  3. we know about didactics

  4. we have theatrical experience

  5. we have experience in designing demonstrations and carrying them into effect

  6. we know the literature and the ideas that are proposed worldwide and we keep up to date

  7. we know what is commercially available

How to Demonstrate#


In the matter of physics, the first lessons should contain nothing but what is experimental and interesting to see. Albert Einstein

De monstrare = `Demonstrate`
"De" has the meaning of: intensification
"monstrare" = to show

From the Latin version of this verb it can be seen that we aim to show phenomena in an intensified way. Ron is staff of the demonstration facility and his profession is to demonstrate.

We propose demonstrations to the professors and in consultation with them we select what will be shown. In developing, designing, and preparing the demonstrations we also make choices about how to show it effectively to our students. Finally we show the demonstrations during the lecture when it is the appropriate moment so it fits in with the matter taught during that lecture. Currently (2023) we present around 300 demonstrations every year and this number is still increasing, because more professors see and experience the benefits of our services. Moreover also other faculties of our Technical University Delft and teachers from outside our university found their way to our demonstration facility. Our Demonstration Room is booming business!